Thursday, 8 October 2015

Experiment With Inked Layers

First, I chose some images from the internet to use for my fake screen print. I then imported them into photoshop, used threshold to make them pure black and white, then took away the white and changed the colour of the black shapes that were left.

I then started to play with blending effects such as multiply and colour burn to see which effect I liked most and which would create more visual interest whilst adding more layers, both digital and handmade.

Once I had done all of this I added more handmade layers so that there was contrast with the digital layers I had used thus far. 

After adding these layers in, I went through the process that I had with the digital layers and changed the colours and blending effects as well as changing the colour of one layer to a darker colour so that it stood out more and was more aesthetically appealing. 

And this is the final result that I decided on in the end:

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